How to Download Subtitles.

Locate the Movie/TV Show.

First search and pull up the Movie / TV show page you would like subtitles for. If you can not find the Movie or Show, simply request it from the Request Subtitles page. In most cases it will be added instantly.

Select a Language/Source.

Select your desired language and click DVD, Blu-Ray or Web/Streaming to begin downloading. If subtitles are not available, please show your support and upload subtitles when possible.

Download and Rate it.

When you download subtitles you will have the option to Preview before you download. Please thumb-down subtitles you find that are placed in the wrong location or are not working.

Play the Subtitles!

Video players will often load subtitles automatically when the subtitles are in the same directory as the video. If the subtitle does not load automatically, load the subtitle manually using your video player options.